Terms of Service
Updated July 2, 2020
The besafe.school team hereby gives you a non-exclusive license to use the software Besafe (besafe.school).
You will be buying a subscription license to make the tool available for your educational institution.
You must:
- Have authorization to use your institution name and logo on the application
- Have consent of the owner(s) of the email address(es) that will receive the absence reports emails
You may:
- Access the web application from any internet enabled computer via a web browser at besafe.school;
- Invite students and staff from your organization to use the tool on your configured SUBDOMAIN.besafe.school
You may not:
- Rent, lease, transfer or otherwise transfer rights to the Software
- Modify, translate, reverse engineer or decompile the Software.
- Remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Software while using or during public presentations.
The license will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described above. On termination, you will not receive a refund for any remaining time, and your credentials will no longer provide access to the admin panel.
This Software is provided on an AS IS basis, without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by you. Should the Software prove defective, you and not The besafe.school Team assume the entire cost of any service and repair.
Privacy Policy
1. General Terms
besafe.school (henceforth “the app”) is a web application developed and maintained by HICAPPS SpA, a Chile based company (contact email: info@hicapps.cl; contact phone: +56 2 2712 5880). The purpose of the app is to provide a safe and effective way to periodically check a school’s students and faculty or staff for signs or symptoms of illness, in the context of the ongoing 2019-20 Covid-19 pandemic, to determine if they are considered “cleared” to attend school or if they should file an absence report. To accomplish this, the app needs to collect, store and process certain information from its users; this information is voluntarily provided by each user of the app.
The information collection, storage and processing performed by the app is regulated by the terms set forth in the present Privacy Policy.
Usage of the app implies the complete acceptance of this policy’s terms.
2. Information Collection by the app
2.1. Person responsible for information entry
All information entered in the app is voluntarily provided by each user. In the case of a school’s faculty or staff users, the information is provided by each faculty or staff member; in the case of a school’s students under 13 years old, the information must be provided by one of his or her parents or guardian adult; for students 13 years old or older, the information may be provided by one of his or her parents or guardian adult, or the same student.
2.2. Information gathered by the app
The information gathered by the app includes, but is not limited to, the following:
For students:
- Whether the student has experienced certain symptoms, such as coughing, muscle or abdominal pain, sore throat, etc.
- Whether the student has been exposed to a person diagnosed with, or suspected or having Covid-19 in the past two weeks
- If, based on the above information, the app determines that the student is not cleared to attend school and an absence report is required, then personal information such as first and last name, grade, and absence dates are requested
For school faculty and staff:
Whether the person has experienced certain symptoms, such as coughing, muscle pain, sore throat, etc.
Whether the person has been exposed to another person diagnosed with, or suspected or having Covid-19 in the past two weeks
Whether the person has the means of measuring his or her body temperature, and if so, the measured temperature
If, based on the above information, the app determines that the person is not cleared to attend school and an absence report is required, then personal information such as first and last name, email and phone numbers are requested
Personally identifiable information is requested only when filing an absence report in the app, either for students or for school's faculty or staff. If an absence report is not filed, all entered information is effectively anonymous.
In all of the above cases, all information entered into and collected by the app is manually and voluntarily entered by a school faculty or staff members, by its students themselves if 13 years old or older, or by the students’ parents or guardian adult. The person entering information into the app assumes all responsibility for the correctness and authenticity of said information; the app cannot and does not validate the correctness and authenticity of the information entered into it.
3. Information storage and usage by the app
3.1. Security and privacy safeguards for information stored by the app
All information entered into the app by its users is securely encrypted, using industry-standard, robust encryption algorithms (TLS 1.2) while being transmitted between the user device and the app’s servers.
The app’s architecture utilizes Google Cloud Platform and Google Firebase/Firestore as a database backend for storing the collected data. While the information held by the app physically resides on Google’s infrastructure, the stored information is, at all times, held in an encrypted state using industry-standard, robust encryption algorithms to ensure its security. Furthermore, Google offers high privacy and security standards for its users, as detailed in https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy.
3.2. Information usage by the app
All information entered and stored by the app is used exclusively for its primary purpose, as specified in the first paragraph of this privacy policy; that is, periodically screen students, staff and faculty members of the schools using the app for certain symptoms and conditions and determine if they are cleared to attend school, in the context of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The information held by the app is only accessible to each school’s representatives using the app’s services; each school using the app has access only to the information entered by students, students’ parents or guardian adult, staff or faculty members belonging to the same institution.
The app has the ability to send an email to the school’s representatives if and when an absence report is filed within it. Each school’s representatives can only receive such emails for absence reports filed by students, students’ parents or guardian adult, staff or faculty members belonging to the same institution
3.3. Information sharing with third parties
All information entered and held by the app is only used for the purposes declared in the above points of this privacy policy. The information is only accessible to each school’s representatives as specified in point 3.2 of this policy. Under not circumstances is any information entered and held by the app shared, communicated, sold, leased or otherwise disclosed with any other third parties, unless legally required to do so by government agencies in compliance with current legislation.
3.4. Ownership of information
The provided information belongs to each user entering it into the app, who has ownership rights over it and holds all responsibility regarding its correctness and authenticity. The app acts only as a holder, custodian and manager of this information, only using it for the purposes declared above on this privacy policy. At any moment, any user that has entered information into the app can request that its information be deleted from it. To do so, each user must [write an email to info@hicapps.cl / use the app’s web interface] to request the deletion of information.
4. Updates to the terms of this privacy policy
The present privacy policy is subject to eventual changes at any time in the future. If and when this privacy policy is updated in any of its terms, all of the schools using the app will be notified beforehand the updated policy enters into effect. Likewise, all of the app’s users will be notified of updates in the privacy policy when accessing the app